Sunday, November 14, 2010

Great Schism:

Q: What happened in 1378?
A: In 1378, reformers elected their own pope to rule from Rome. French cardinals responded by choosing a rival pope.

Q: What happened, or was around for decades?
A: For decades, there was a Schism, or a split, in the Church.

- During this Schism, two and sometimes even three popes claimed to be the true "vicar of Christ"

Q: Why is this important?
A: This was important because the church was less powerful, now people could speak against the church.

Columbus Leaves Spain:

Q: Why did you leave Spain?
A: Because I wanted to reach the East Indies-a group of islands in the south east Asia, today part of Indonesia-by sailing west across the Atlantic.

Q: What did you know when you left?
A: I knew like most educated Eurpoeans, that the Earth was a sphere.

Q: Why is this important because is he proved that the Earth was a sphere not flat.


                                                            The Age of Charlemagne:
Q: What happened in 768?
A: In 768, the grandson of Charles Martel became King of the Franks. He briefly united western Europe when he built an empire reaching across what is now France, Germany and part of Italy.

Q: Where did Charlemagne come from?
A: Also named Charles, he became known as Charlemagne, or Charles the Great.

Q: What did Charlemagne do during is reign?
A: Charlemagne spent much of his 46-year reign fighting Muslims in Spain, saxons in the north, Avars and slaves in the east, and lombards in Italy.

Q: Why was this important?
A: His conquest was important because he reunited much of the old western Roman empire.


Q: Around what time were these wars?
A: Around 1096.

Q: Who was fighting these wars?
     And what were they fighting for.
A: The Christians battled Muslims for control of lands in the middle east.

Q: What Happened over the next 200 years?
A: As they streamed eastward over the next 200 years, Western Europeans learned that the world was much larger than they ever dreamed. Their encounters outside Europe would serve to accelerate the pace of change at home.

Magna Carta:

Q: What happened in 1215?
A: In 1215, a group of rebellious barons cronered john and forced him to sign the Magna Carta, or great charter.

Q: What did the document do?
A: This document contained two very important ideas that would shape English government in the future.

Q: What did it do first?
A: First it asserted that the nobles had certain rights. Over time, these rights were extended to all English citizens.

Q: Then what did the document do second?
A: Second, the Magna Carta made it clear that the monarch must obey the law.

Battle of Tours:

Q: What happened in the 600s.
A: The religion Islam began in Arabia in the 600s.

Q: What did the leaders of the church and the Christian kingdoms do?
A: Leaders of the church and of Christian kingdoms became alarmed when Muslim armies overran Christian lands from Palestine to North Africa to present-day Spain.

Q: What happened in 732 that made it a sign?
A: At the Battle of Tours in 732, Christian warriors triumphed. To them the victory was a sign that God was on their side.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

William the Conqueror:

Q: William did you raise an army?
A: Yes, I raised an army and won the backing of the Pope. He then sailed across the English channel to England.

Q: What happened Christmas Day 1066.
A: William the Conqueror, as I was now called, became king of England on Christmas Day 1066.

Q: What happened over the next 300 years?
A: Over the next 300 years, there was a gradual blending of Norman French and Anglo-Saxon customs languages, and traditions.

Q: What happened after you conquered England?
A: Now that I had conquered England, I set out to impose my control over the land. Like other feudal monarchs, I granted fiefs to the church and to my Norman lords, or barons, but he also kept a large amount of land for himself.

Rome Sacked/Falls to Barbarians:

Q: What happened as early of 200?
A: As early as 200, wars in East Asia set off a chain of events that would eventually overwhelm Rome, thousands of miles to the west.

Q: What did those wars send?
A: Those wars sent a nomadic people the Huns, migrating from central Asia toward eastern Europe, which thay reached by 370.

Q: What did these skilled riders do?
A: These skilled riders fought fierce battles to dislodge the Germanic peoples in their path. The visigoths, ostrogoths, and other Germanic peoples.  

Q: What happened in 378?
A: In 378, when a Roman army tried to turn back the Vsigoths at Adrianople, it suffered a stunning defeat. Roman powers was fading. New waves of invaders were soon hammering at Rome's borders, especially in the west

Q: What happened in 410?
A: In 410, the Visigoth general Alaric overran Italy and plundered the city of Rome. Mean while, a Germanic people called the Vandals moved through Gual and and Spain into North Africa.

Constantine the Great:

Q: Emperor Constantine tell me about Byzantium.
A: I rebuilt the Greek city of Byzantium and then renamed it after myself-Constantinople.

Q: What did you do with Constantinople in 330.
A: In 330, I made Constantinople the new capital of the empire.

Q: What came from this "New Rome"?
A: Roads fanned out to Balkans, to the middle east, and to North Africa. In time, the eastern Roman empire became Known as the Byzantine empire.

Q: what did you do in AD 313?
A: I issued the Edict of Milan, it freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire.

Q: What happened in 312?
A: This is when i gained the throne.

Q: What where the two steps you took that changed the course of European history.
A: First I granted toleration to Christians. Second, I established a new capital at the centuries-old city of Byzantine which he renamed Constantinople. I made the eastern empire that center of power.

Julius Caesar/Fall of the Roman Republic:

Q: So Julius you were a military commander?
A: Yes, for a time, me and another Brilliant general, Pompey, dominated Roman Politics.

Q: So Caesar what happened in 58 BC?
A: In 58 BC I set out with my army to make new conquests. After nine years of fighting, I completed the conquest of Gaul-the area that is now France and Belgium.

Q: What happened in 48 BC and 44 BC?
A: I make Reforms. I launched a program of public works to empty the jobless and gave public land to the poor.

Q: I hear that some pretty bad stuff went down in 44 BC, why don't you tell us what happened.
A: My enemies worried that I planned to make myself king of Rome. To save the republic, they plotted aganist  me. In March of 44 BC, as I arrived in the Senate, my enemies stabbed me to death.

Alexander The Great:

Q: Alexander when were you born?
A: In 338 BC.

Q: Who did you  inherit the Macedonian empire from?
A: From my father, Philip II.

Q: Did you extend the empire?
A: Yes, I procceded to extend the empire to epic proportions.

Q: When, and how old were you when you took Persia?
A: In 334 BC, and I was 20 years old.

Q: Alexander, what happened in 326 BC?
A: I was tired and restless and decied  to head further east. I crossed Hindu Kush into northern India. There, in 326 BC my troops for the first time faced soldiers mounted on war elephants.

Axis Age/ Golden Age in Greece

Q: When was the Axis/Golden Age in Greece?
A:  From 1400 BC to 1200 BC when the Mycenaen civilization dominated the Aegean world.

Q: When did it reach its height?
A: It reached its height, or success, between 1600 BC and 1500 BC.

Q: What was the Success from the period of time based on?
A: The success of the Minoans was based on trade, not conquest. (also Sea Trade brought wealth)

Q: Why was this important?
A: This was important because it was a high point of trade, and brought wealth to Greece.