Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rome Sacked/Falls to Barbarians:

Q: What happened as early of 200?
A: As early as 200, wars in East Asia set off a chain of events that would eventually overwhelm Rome, thousands of miles to the west.

Q: What did those wars send?
A: Those wars sent a nomadic people the Huns, migrating from central Asia toward eastern Europe, which thay reached by 370.

Q: What did these skilled riders do?
A: These skilled riders fought fierce battles to dislodge the Germanic peoples in their path. The visigoths, ostrogoths, and other Germanic peoples.  

Q: What happened in 378?
A: In 378, when a Roman army tried to turn back the Vsigoths at Adrianople, it suffered a stunning defeat. Roman powers was fading. New waves of invaders were soon hammering at Rome's borders, especially in the west

Q: What happened in 410?
A: In 410, the Visigoth general Alaric overran Italy and plundered the city of Rome. Mean while, a Germanic people called the Vandals moved through Gual and and Spain into North Africa.

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