Saturday, November 13, 2010

Julius Caesar/Fall of the Roman Republic:

Q: So Julius you were a military commander?
A: Yes, for a time, me and another Brilliant general, Pompey, dominated Roman Politics.

Q: So Caesar what happened in 58 BC?
A: In 58 BC I set out with my army to make new conquests. After nine years of fighting, I completed the conquest of Gaul-the area that is now France and Belgium.

Q: What happened in 48 BC and 44 BC?
A: I make Reforms. I launched a program of public works to empty the jobless and gave public land to the poor.

Q: I hear that some pretty bad stuff went down in 44 BC, why don't you tell us what happened.
A: My enemies worried that I planned to make myself king of Rome. To save the republic, they plotted aganist  me. In March of 44 BC, as I arrived in the Senate, my enemies stabbed me to death.

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