Saturday, November 13, 2010

Constantine the Great:

Q: Emperor Constantine tell me about Byzantium.
A: I rebuilt the Greek city of Byzantium and then renamed it after myself-Constantinople.

Q: What did you do with Constantinople in 330.
A: In 330, I made Constantinople the new capital of the empire.

Q: What came from this "New Rome"?
A: Roads fanned out to Balkans, to the middle east, and to North Africa. In time, the eastern Roman empire became Known as the Byzantine empire.

Q: what did you do in AD 313?
A: I issued the Edict of Milan, it freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire.

Q: What happened in 312?
A: This is when i gained the throne.

Q: What where the two steps you took that changed the course of European history.
A: First I granted toleration to Christians. Second, I established a new capital at the centuries-old city of Byzantine which he renamed Constantinople. I made the eastern empire that center of power.

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